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The Christian Film Review

Saturday, February 24, 2018

APPARENTLY CALVIN WELCOMES HIM NOW, but SHOULD THEY ? "Michigan Native Returns for Film Premiere" - GR|MAG

SO PAUL SCHRADER , A GRAND RAPIDS NATIVE (also GRCH) who infamously left CALVIN MANY YEARS AGO (some say expelled, others say differently, who knows?) 

...& became a hollywood producer, but now Calvin welcomes him back despite some films that are, arguably,  quite contrary to Christian values. And it is NOT clear if Schrader has rejected a profession of faith in Christ he CHRISTIAN OR NOT ?

 IF yes, then Calvin is doing the right thing and allowing him to re-integrate with the Christian college of his youth. If NOT, we must ask if it is right to bring him on campus despite not believing in Christ ? 

" ...
The following evening, Feb. 20, Schrader will give a lecture and panel discussion on "Religious Film and the Transcendental Style" at Calvin College Covenant Fine Arts Center, Recital Hall. He will be joined on the panel by Roy Anker, professor of English, emeritus, at Calvin College, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Noah Porter professor of philosophical theology, emeritus, at Yale University, and Garrett Strpko, a sophomore at Calvin ..."


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